According to Igor Kotjuh, arranging events is a form of creative work that offers a refreshing break from the monotonous tasks of daily life.
He has organised nearly 200 events: Festivals, series, individual events, presentations and concerts.
An event must be engaging, meaningful and with a positive note.
The cultural manager is in charge of the menu.
He is responsible for formulating the subject, choosing the speakers and promoting the event.
He is responsible for the budget and reporting.
He engages with people and advocates for their interests.
HeadRead literary festival, Tallinn
Frequency: once a year
Role: member of the committee
Responsibilities: poetry, Estonian programme, Slavic literature, media relations
Experience: since 2012.
Cultural Festival Dovlatov Days in Tallinn
Frequency: on an average, once in every two years
Role: producer Responsibilities: budget, promotion, media relations, reporting
Experience: since 2012.
Event series Readers’ Thursdays in Tallinn Central Library
Frequency: nine events per year
Role: member of the committee, art director
Responsibilities: concept of the series, programme, moderation, promotion
Experience: since 2012.
2022 Igor Kotjuh talks about the HeadRead festival in the Postimehe cultural editorial’s podcast Hot in Culture (46 min, LISTEN)
2019 Jelena Skulskaja and Igor Kotjuh introduce the Dovlatov Days festival in Tallinn (FULL TEXT, in Russian)
2015 Igor Kotjuh talks about the series of events Readers’ Thursday(FULL TEXT, in Russian)
Tallinn Central Library’s Readers’ Thursday series of events on YouTube
Nearly 30 recordings, in Russian