Igor Kotjuh is a versatile writer, known for his work as a poet and a translator, as well as for his analytical thinking and research in the fields of literature and culture.
His scientific interests are:
– Estonian literary history, Estonian Russian-language literature, Estonian (modern) poetry, monostich, free verse, Slavic literatures.
– New criticism, receptive aesthetics, identity theory, literary sociology.
– Noor-Eesti, Siuru, Igor Severjanin, cassette generation, Jaan Kaplinski, Arvo Mets, Andrei Ivanov.
Estonian Research Information System
Igor Kotjuh – researcher profile (VIEW)
2021–… University of Tartu, doctoral studies.
Major: Estonian literature.
Doctoral thesis project „Eesti venekeelse kirjanduse identiteet iseseisvunud Eesti Vabariigis (1918–1940) ja selle kokkupuude eesti kirjandusega: integratsioon või lahusolek?“ / „The Identity of Estonian Russian Literature in the Independent Republic of Estonia (1918–1940) and its Contact with Estonian Literature: Integration or Separation?“
2019–2020 Tallinna Ülikool, MA.
Major: Literary studies.
Master’s thesis: The reception of Andrei Ivanov’s works and the formation of the identity of Estonian Russian-language literature (FULL TEXT)
2000–2009 University of Tartu, BA (bachelor’s degree).
Major: Estonian as a foreign language and Estonian literature.
Bachelor thesis ‘Literary project Kite as a social and cultural phenomenon’. Manuscript in the Chair of Estonian as a Foreign Language.
Selection of articles
2007 Vikerkaar magazine. Igor Kotjuh ‘How did the kite take flight?’ (FULL TEXT)
2022 Vikerraadio, Language programme. Igor Kotjuh ‘About Paul-Eerik Rummo and the power of words’ (28 min LISTEN)
2022 Vikerrraadio, literature programme Read and Written. Igor Kotjuh ‘The past and present of Ukrainian literature’ (45 min LISTEN)
2020 Klassikaraadio, literature programme Gogol. Igor Kotjuh ‘The identity of Estonian Russian-language literature is in the process of formation’ (20 min LISTEN)