Theses, monographs, academic texts
2017 Ekaterina Belozerova. Билингвизм в литературе Эстонии: писатели билингвы Игорь Котюх и Ян Каплинский. Бакалаврская работа. Таллинский университет. (ЧИТАТЬ)
2017 Zum Beispiel Estland. Das eine Land und die vielen Sprachen / Olga Bazileviča, Aija Sakova. Die Frage nach dem ›Anderen‹. Literatur als Spiegel und Gegenbild nationaler Identitäten am Beispiel der estnischen und lettischen Gegenwartsliteratur (READ)
2018 Priit Kruus. The silent avant-garde. The wave of Estonian young writers’ groups and new media formations: From Erakkond to ZA/UM. Doctoral thesis Tallinn University (READ)
2018 Methis / Irina Belobrovtseva. The Bilingual Writer: Two Estonia-Russian Cases and One Russian-Estonian Case (READ MORE)
2019 Екатерина Яшина. «Своё и чужое»: литературный билингвизм в современной культуре Эстонии (случай Игоря Котюха). Магистерская работа. Таллинский университет. (READ)
2022 Between Fatherland And Mother Tongue: Etudes from Estonian Contemporary Literature in Russian / Aija Sakova. The transnational or multi-ethnic subject of Estonian literature: The case of Igor Kotjuh (INFO)
Reviews and criticism
2005 Sirp / Aija Sakova. Tomorrow cannot mean dissolution (READ)
2007 Sirp / Ivar Sild. Moving from the individual to the general (READ)
2007 Sirp / Peeter Helme. Another language and other thoughts (READ)
2008 Sirp / Jukka Mallinen. One can try (READ)
2016 Looming / Doris Kareva. How to depict goodness? (READ)
2018 Sirp / Mihhail Trunin. In search of a natural language (READ)
2021 Sirp / Ekaterina Velmezova. Notes on Igor Kotjuh’s poems and notes (READ)
2021 Värske Rõhk / Saara Lotta Linno. Reception of poets in the second language: the example of Jaan Kaplinski and Igor Kotjuh (READ)
Kotjuh seems to advocate a sceptical and analytical attitude, he questions norms and established patterns of thought, whether discussing society, love or personal topics /…/ Being both oneself and a stranger is one of Kotjuh’s main starting points /…/. (Aija Sakova)
Igor Kotjuh’s written works and extensive activities convey the impression that he values two things above all: poetry and kindness. Good poetry and positive cooperation and relationships with others (Doris Kareva)
Igor Kotjuh speaks clearly and empathetically, focusing not on himself, but on the time in which he lives – as a chronic shadowy figure who gets sick of the language of newspapers, who tries to use poetry to signal what is happening around us in a world where literature is not literature, theatre is not theatre, spring is not spring, yet avoids any pathos /…/. (Igor Kotjuh)
A poet is born into the world to gather the most significant words and demonstrate to the ‘silent street’ how profound thoughts and immediate emotions can be conveyed simultaneously. And without the street itself, the shopkeeper has nowhere to get the words he needs. As Kotjuh succinctly puts it: you fish poetry out of people’s speech. (Mikhail Trunin)
So what is the pattern of this colourful tapestry of multilingual criticism? Interesting similarities emerged in the reception of both Kaplinski and Kotjuh. Creative work in a second language is seen as a strong gesture, not as a neutral ‘tool exchange’ /…/ In addition, the reception of both poetry collections showed a disconnect between different language readerships, with critics of work published in another language saying little about the author’s native work. (Saara Lotta Linno)
Criticism in Russian
2004/5 Борис Балясный. Предисловие к сборнику Игоря Котюха «Когда наступит завтра?» (ЧИТАТЬ)
2014 Плуг / П. И. Филимонов. Игорь Котюх и его майевтический инфантилизм (ЧИТАТЬ)
2014 Воздух / Татьяна Щербина, Анна Голубкова, Кирилл Корчагин Отзывы о поэзии Игоря Котюха (ЧИТАТЬ)
2018 Дружба народов / Юлия Подлубнова. Селфи на фоне спама (ЧИТАТЬ)
2018 Воздух / Ольга Балла, Дарья Суховей. Отзывы о поэзии Игоря Котюха (ЧИТАТЬ)
2019 Новые облака / Михаил Трунин. В поисках естественного языка (ЧИТАТЬ)
2021 Плуг / Тимур Гузаиров. «The Isolation Tapes. Стихотворения и заметки»: поэтическая психотерапия от Игоря Котюха (ЧИТАТЬ)
2021 Знамя / Геннадий Кацов. «Мы порознь, но объединены…» (ЧИТАТЬ)